Virtues Cards - Reflection [Downloadable]

Virtues Cards - Reflection [Downloadable]
This downloadable set of 100 full color Virtues Reflection card images features photographs of natural beauty from around the globe. They are written for adults to use in daily reflection.These virtues e-cards are in an electronic format so you can use them in your newsletters, as emailable virtues acknowledgements, post them on your facebook page, etc… All card image files are downloaded in one compressed folder, and each card will be a separate image file (jpeg) for easy use. The cards contain:
Quotations from many wisdom sources
Six ways to practice each virtue
An in-depth description based on research in the world’s diverse sacred traditions
An affirmation
(This set of 100 full color cards features photographs of natural beauty from around the globe. They are written for adults to use in daily reflection. A Virtues Pick either in a sharing circle or in our quiet time helps us to focus on cultivating the virtues more deeply. Reviewers have called them “sacred”, “exquisite”, “a guide to life.” The cards contain:
Quotations from many wisdom sources
Six ways to practice each virtue
An in-depth description based on research in the world’s diverse sacred traditions
An affirmation