“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
The seed of The Virtues Project was planted on Easter weekend, 1988, when Linda Kavelin-Popov, her husband Dr. Dan Popov and brother John Kavelin were discussing the state of the world over brunch at the Empress Hotel in Victoria, British Columbia.
They decided to do something to counteract the rising violence of children toward others and themselves. They believed that violence is a symptom and meaninglessness is the disease. They spent a summer of discernment reflecting on what would give children a sense of meaning and purpose. Tapping into Dan’s years of research in the world’s sacred traditions, they had an “Aha! Moment”. They discovered that virtues are at the heart of meaning in every culture and belief system, from indigenous oral traditions to the world’s Sacred texts.
The Virtues Project began with an idea -- that all children are born with the virtues in potential, and that when parents and educators awaken these gifts of character, we can change the world.
The idea evolved into The Five Strategies for bringing virtues to life, from birth to death. They not only help us to raise kinder kids but to companion the dying in a compassionate and meaningful way.
In 1991, the Kavelin-Popovs self-published the original The Virtues Guide, a parenting book, in their garage. In less than two months, by word of mouth alone, it was in more than twenty countries!
They established a foundation, WellSpring International, and in 1991 formed Virtues Project International as a Canadian corporation when they began to ship virtues books and materials worldwide.
The Virtues Project has spread to more than 130 countries, and has trained thousands of facilitators who share its virtues-based principles and practices. It is grounded in research of all sacred traditions including the oral traditions of First Nations.
After twenty-five years of nurturing and growing The Virtues Project, the founders retired, passing the torch to Virtues Project International Association (VPIA), a Canadian non profit organization registered on May 23, 2013. To ensure its success, the founders transferred all rights to the The Virtues Project body of work, relationships, and goodwill to VPIA.