Character is destiny. Virtues are the content of our character. The Virtues Project nurtures our children in the skills and qualities they need to be successful in school and in life. Although they are the oldest practices in the world, virtues are essential to the true goal of education – intelligence plus character. Too many of our children are technical wizards and moral illiterates. Power plus control leads to violence. Power plus compassion transforms bullies into inspiring leaders.

School communities adopt and integrate the strategies and resources in The Virtues Project Educator's Guide to foster academic excellence while creating a culture of caring, trust and unity among staff. From early childhood to university graduation, The Virtues Project helps us to create safe and caring schools. Private and public schools around the world are embracing The Virtues Project.

The Virtues Project has been utilized by the National Education Association of the U.S., Boys & Girls' Clubs throughout America, and a National Cares Mentoring program. Schools across Australia, the Pacific, Africa, India, Europe, and Asia used it as a central tool to enhance social and emotional learning. The Virtues Project has transformed the school culture and leads the academic success of Mwyienga Primary School, Kakamega Kenya.