Fervent enthusiasm for what we believe to be important. Living by a strong sense of the value of life and faith.
Being open to the beauty and mysteries of life. Our soul’s appreciation for what is precious and inspiring.
Having a discerning mind, based on experience and mindfulness. Making wise decisions based on our deepest intuition.
Being insightful in our perceptions of ideas and feelings. Listening with compassion and accuracy to others’ feelings.
Truth is the bedrock of integrity on which we build all our other virtues. An ongoing commitment to live by what is most real and authentic in our own nature. Honesty in all our dealings.
Being worthy of the trust others place in us. When we give our word, we stand by it. Keeping our agreements faithfully.
Having faith. Positive expectation that all will be well. Having confidence that the right thing will come about without trying to control it or make it happen. Being sure, in the depths of our being, that there is some gift or learning in everything that happens.
Being open to differences. Refraining from judgments. Patience and forgiveness with others and ourselves. Accepting things that we wish were different with humor and grace.
Kindness and consideration guided by empathy brightens others lives. Being contemplative and discerning.
An attitude of gratitude for living, learning, loving and being. Generosity in expressing appreciation. Focusing on the blessings in our lives.
Telling the truth kindly. Thinking before we speak, aware of how deeply our words affect others. Discerning what to say, when it is timely to say it, and what is better left unsaid.
Being steady, persevering and dependable. Having the strength to remain true to our purpose in spite of obstacles that arise.
Content with the basic gifts of life, we let go of excess, clutter, and complexity. We savor the moment.
Doing helpful things that make a difference to others. Investing excellence in everything we do. The contribution we make is the fruitage of our lives.
Tranquility of spirit, with trust and faith that all will be well. Peacefulness in the midst of trials.
The self-control to do only what we truly choose to do, without being blown off course by our desires. Establishing healthy and ennobling habits.
The willingness to give up what is important to us for what we know is more important. Giving our all for our beliefs. Making our life a sacred offering.
Living by a code of spiritual rectitude. Impeccable integrity to what we know is right. Calling ourselves gently back when we go off track.
An awareness of the sacredness of life. Living with wonder and faith. Having a routine of reflection.
The willingness to be accountable for our choices and also for our mistakes. Taking on what is ours to do with strength and reliability.
An attitude of honoring oneself and others through our words and actions. Treating every person with dignity and courtesy.
The strength of spirit to recover from adversity. Overcoming obstacles by tapping into a deep well of faith and endurance.
Awareness of the meaningfulness of our lives. Living by a clear vision and focusing our energy on the goal before us.
A process of freeing ourselves day by day from influences and attachments that keep us from being true to ourselves and to what we know is right.
A relationship of faith and gratitude with a power and presence greater than ourselves. A conversation with God.
Staying the course for however long it takes. Steadfastness and persistence in pursuing our goals.