Teachable Moments

As a Tlingit elder said, “Life is for learning our lessons.” Recognizing the virtues we can develop in any situation is an empowering practice that leads to lifelong learning.

In raising children, we need to avoid shaming and instead be naming virtues. Rather than name-calling, we call on the virtues of their character. When they argue, we don’t call them “stubborn”, we call them to cooperation or respect. When they show improvement of any kind, we notice that glimmer of virtue, and acknowledge it. In this way we become mentors, rather than tormentors.

Recognizing the gifts and life lessons in our daily challenges helps us to cultivate our character. We use guilt only as a signal for change, not as a lifestyle! When we have the humility and confidence to learn from our mistakes, they become our best teachers. Every stumbling block becomes a stepping stone.